The first proposal is a circular route following a trail through Los Pasos, Abrante and Camino del Roquillo. It includes a visit to the Abrante lookout and a possible detour to the national park’s visitors centre in Juego de Bolas.
The route starts near a pharmacy located on the GM-1 road, on a path that leads to the ring road. It continues until it reaches the GM-1 again. Please cross the road carefully. On the other side, a stone staircase is the starting point to zigzag down the Risco de Agulo scarp.
The village of Agulo is located on a coastal platform surrounded by cliffs whose walls stretch up to altitudes of 400 metres. Like a giant step, this amphitheatre separates the village from the highlands of La Palmita and Las Rosas. For many years the people of the lower area used the Los Pasos trail to access mountain resources and the people who lived in the highlands used it to come down to use the services of the village centre. They also came down to sell or barter for products.
Upon reaching the summit, the proposed itinerary continues to El Mirador de Abrante, a unique lookout point on the island, with exceptional panoramas of the town centre and of the neighbouring island of Tenerife. From there it continues through Abrante until it connects with Camino del Roquillo, the second stage of the circular route. From the El Embocadero intersection Camino del Roquillo ascends until it reaches the visitors centre of the national park.