The route starts at El Mirador de Roque Blanco, heading south toward El Raso del Quebradón, over a paved path about 250 metres long. When you reach a fork with a stepped path take it to enter into the leafy myricaerica forest. Then a dirt path will take us to El Raso del Quebradón. From there the route descends the interior of the mountain, following a winding, stepped path that takes us back to the starting point.
Very close to the Mirador de Roque Blanco, on the left side of Barranco de Cruz de Tierno, are the remains of an old tile oven. This spot had all the necessary resources: excellent soil, water from the ravine and wood to burn the tiles. When a batch was ready they were carried out on the shoulders through this same path to other parts of the island.
Old abandoned agricultural terraces begin to appear near the end of the route. The dry stone walls -no cement was used- are still perfectly preserved, revealing the effort put in by past generations to create space for arable land. The forest is reclaiming them with specimens of beech (Morella faya) and heather (Erica arborea). There are also still some chestnut trees, Canarian palms (Phoenix canariensis) and hardened fruit trees, such as pear or apple trees.